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Guestlist Guidelines

Guestlist must be submitted electronically in either Excel (preferred) or Word format. Our guidelines below can be used to help you in creating guest lists for envelope addressing or place card printing. Your list can be sent in advance of the arrival of your envelopes or cards.


Preferred Method: Excel spreadsheet

Create a separate column for each line you want printed on your envelopes.

*If there are no second names or addresses, you may eliminate the column(s).


Microsoft Word

Please enter the names in left-justified, column format.


Avoid creating your list as Labels or any other table format.

Do not use tabs, numbers, or any other formatting when entering names and addresses.

Please follow all standard etiquette rules, including expanding out street names and states.


Sending us your guest list

Names can be given to us via attachment in an email to Please combine all names into one file.


Proofing reminder

Unless otherwise stated, Letter Perfect Designs assumes guestlists are complete and print-ready when submitted. We will create a proof for review; it is the client's responsibility to carefully review the proof, looking for omissions or typos of items such as total and complete guest names, spelling, address, and punctuation. We recommend that you share the proofs with another person, to catch anything that may have been overlooked in previous reviews. If you have any questions or are in doubt regarding etiquette, please ask and we would be happy to make suggestions.

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